Topics related to understanding human behavior and developing and implementing successful behavior change to improve the quality of your life.
Feeling Stuck? Try This To Fuel Your Motivation!
If you view motivation as a “feeling” – waiting to "feel" good or a "feel" a certain way before acting on what's important - then this can keep you really stuck in life.
How To Make Difficult Decisions
When we’re making hard decisions, our minds can easily go overboard frantically trying to figure out a solution. Learn strategies to bring clarity to dilemmas, hard decisions and tough choices to determine a course of action.
Living a Value-Driven Life Part 2 – Why You Need To Define Your Values And How To Start
When you identify your values you will develop clarity and a deep awareness that gives your life direction and meaning. Try this exercise to begin the process of identifying your values.
5 Ways to Improve Your Health That Will Change Your Life!
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s never been more important to make healthier choices. Choices that strengthen your immune system and help you to prevent chronic illness. Learn five ways to improve your health and change your life . Also access important resources to support you along the way.
What Every Caregiver Should Know – Especially if You Are A Woman
Women serve in 75% of unpaid Caregiving roles in the US, therefore exposing them to significant health and financial risks. For this reason, it's vital as a Caregiver to take a measured approach to meet your own health and wellness needs, and I will share some critical practices to help you get where you want to be.
6 Week Group Coaching Program – January 2020
Come discover how to resolve barriers to your self-care as we work together to explore NUTRITION, EXERCISE, ENJOYMENT, DE- STRESSING, and SLEEP. Plus how to CHANGE habits and address unhelpful thought patterns.
Why You Should Start a Pranayama Breathing Practice
Pranayama breathing works directly on and positively impacts the nervous system and positively affects the autonomic nervous system, which controls and governs essential functions of the body like the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure etc. New research shows that systematic Pranayama breathing can be a powerful tool in managing and preventing neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
Living a Value-Driven Life – Part 1
Stress and frustration build when you realize you’re expending a great deal of effort not progressing in any particular direction for any meaningful purpose. Using your values to give direction to your life can generate that personal sense of fulfillment you've been missing - A value driven life.
End The Guilt and Realize Your True Beautiful Self
The negative emotional state guilt creates on a daily basis is draining and a barrier to realizing your true self in your life. What would it feel like to be free of guilt?
What Are Your Ancestral Genes Telling You?
We think our lifestyles are “normal”, but our modern-day lifestyles are far from normal. Only 10% of our human history has occurred over the past 200 years. Understanding your ancestral genetic makeup can help you obtain optimum health and wellness now and in your future.
Harnessing The Power of Gratitude For A Happier Life
Living in gratitude makes your life happier and more satisfying. It reduces stress and increases recognition of the contributions you and others have made to your life. This strengthens your social connections and self-worth. When you express gratitude toward yourself, others and things in your environment you generate pleasant moments. You form memories of positive events in your life.
How To Make Lasting Change Through Personal Coaching
Applying change to your life is a complex process. Especially if behavior patterns are deeply rooted, not fully understood, and change is needed in many areas of your life at once. I use my expertise as a behavior analyst and my training in positive psychology as a coach to set you up for success. I provide you with a powerful partnership were you’re not alone in your wellness journey.
Contact Linda Now
I provide you with a compassionate, judgment free environment where we’ll have a casual conversation and get to know each other to decide if coaching if right for you.

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