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Have a casual conversation with Linda to discuss your needs and goals, and determine if coaching together is a good fit.
If not, there is no obligation to continue.
Read “How personal coaching can help you make lasting change” and other Wellward posts related to changing behavior and promoting wellness.
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Explore the possibilities of the life you want.
Develop deeper levels of self-awareness for change and growth.
Determine your personal direction for change. Examples…
- One or more of the Wellness N.E.E.D.S.
- Specific health goal if one exists
- Other personal goal (career, family, social, etc.)
Develop a personalized plan where you decide what to work on and how and when things get accomplished.
Prepare your path for a new direction and resolve barriers to your success.
Experience your transformations and experiment with changes along your journey.
Celebrate your successes as you achieve your goals.